The Ribbon is the display which you will find at the top of the Microsoft Excel window which will act as your primary interface, allowing you to have access most of the commands available in Excel.
The Ribbon is composed of 3 parts : Excel Ribbon, Groups and Command Options. The tabs at the top in Ribbon splits into groups which further categorize command options which opens a dialog box providing user with bunch of additional functions to choose.

Home Tab: Most frequently used command options are contained in Home tab. Under this tab, you will find-

Excel basic functions -
Performing cut, copy and paste.
Using format painter and creating custom formats.
Changing font style, size, bold, italic, underline, border, fill background and font color.
Changing alignment and orientation.
Wrap text, merging cells, merging across and unmerging cells.
Working with numeric data, text data, percentage, dates, currencies and custom.
Conditional Formatting -
Creating and managing formatting rules.
Formatting tools - operations, conditions, data bars, color scales and icon sets.
Modifying spreadsheet and data -
Inserting, hiding, unhiding and deleting rows and columns.
Copying, moving data with paste special and autofill.
Sorting data list at single and multi level.
Applying data filters and removing filtered data.
Insert Tab: It contains objects that can be added to the spreadsheets. Under this tab, you will find-

Creating a new table and pivot table.
Inserting pictures, shapes, smartart and screenshots.
Hyperlink to web pages.
Insert a Column chart, line chart, X Y (scatter) chart, Pie chart, hierarchy chart, Statistical and waterfall chart.
Formatting charts.
Working with pivot charts.
Add file objects and other insert items such as comments, text box, header & footer, wordart, equations and symbols.
Page Layout Tab: It contains options mainly used for changing the appearance of excel spreadsheet, page setup and print. Under this tab, you will find-

Provides tools to manage appearance of a spreadsheet. both on-screen and print page.
Allowing user to change between margins, page orientation, page size, page break and various print options.
Formula Tab: It contains tools relating to functions/formulas and option commands for calculations. Under this tab, you will find-

Inserting functions/formulas.
Defining names to cell or range of cells and managing them.
Tracing precedents and dependents referring formulas.
Display entered formulas and error corrections.
Option commands for calculating sheet(s).
Data Tab: It holds the option commands for managing the spreadsheet(s) data. Under this tab, you will find-

Options to import excel data or external source data.
Establishing connections to external data and managing periodic data updates.
Sorting data list at single and multi level.
Applying data filters and removing filtered data.
Removing duplicate data.
Creating data validation criteria with popping custom input messages and validation error alerts.
What-if analysis using goal seek, scenario manager, data tables, excel solver and data analysis tool.
Review Tab: Provide user to review its document. Under this tab, you will find-

Allowing user to check spelling
Options to add new or delete previous comments.
Protect important spreadsheet(s) or an entire workbook.
View Tab: Provides access to viewing options for spreadsheet. Under this tab, you will find-

Provides option commands for switching between spreadsheet views.
Check boxed to enable or disable ruler, gridlines, formula bar and headings.
Freezing panes to freeze row(s) or column(s).
Viewing multiple areas of a spreadsheet by split option.
Developer Tab: Access to advanced features like macros/VBA and other supporting tools. Under this tab, you will find-

Recording macros and creating shortcuts.
Creating buttons to run macros.
Editing an existing macro with Visual Basic.
Plug Add-ins to use in excel.
Tools like drop-box, combo box, label, check box, scroll bar, list box, option button, spinner used in creating the dashboards on excel sheets.
Developer Tab is hidden by default and should be Enabled by user from the "Customize the Ribbon" window.